05 June 2024 - Mission Day: 10414 - DOY: 157
Science Operations

SOHO Coordinated Observations Calendar

This Calendar is used to track the coordinated observations of SOHO instruments and campaigns with other space-based and ground-based observatories.

Please send updates to: soc (at) esa.nascom.nasa.gov.

Other Planning & Scheduling Pages

Campaign and Calendar Archive

SOHO Campaign Catalog

NOTE: Listing of instruments below does not in itself imply commitment to a given observation — instruments must be contacted individually, and their level of commitment is most accurately reflected by their own calendars/pages (see e.g. TRACE link above)

Current Events — Last Update: July 17, 2023

All keyholes are on this website: Keyholes.txt


* Jan 06        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Mar 24        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* June 23       Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Jul 28-Aug 8  SUMER-IRIS campaign

* Aug 08        SUMER switched off

* Sep 05        CDS hibernated

* Sep 22        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Dec 18        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Mar 16        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Jun 12        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Sep 11        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Dec 10        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Feb 01        Station Keeping Maneuver

* Mar 04        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* May 09        Mercury transit

* Jun 03        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Sep 01        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Nov 29        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Feb 23        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Mar 20-Apr 3  SUMER-IRIS campaign

* Apr 04        SUMER switched off

* May 24        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Aug 22        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Oct 23        Station Keeping Maneuver

* Nov 20        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Feb 14        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* May 15        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Aug 13        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Oct 03        Station Keeping Maneuver

* Nov 14        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Feb 05        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* May 07        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Aug 07        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Nov 05        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Jan 29        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Apr 28        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Jul 24        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Oct 23        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Jan 19        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Apr 16        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Jul 14        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Oct 14        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Jan 10        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Apr 06        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Jul 05        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Oct 04        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Dec 30        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


* Mar 28        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Jun 26        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll

* Sep 25        Spacecraft Maneuvers and 180 Degree Roll


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Feedback & Comments: SOHO Webmaster

Last modification: July 27, 2020

SOHO is a project of international cooperation between