17 – 30 November, 2003

contact : karine.bocchialini /at/



Week 1 : November 17 – 23

JOP158 The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro. SUMER/UVCS/LASCO/EIT/CDS
POC: E. Antonucci & A. Gabriel <antonucci /at/>  <gabriel/at/>
SUMER coordinates : X = TBD

JOP124 : Eruptive prominence in Active Region CDS/SUMER/EIT/CORONAS
POC : K. Bocchialini <karine.bocchialini/at/>
SUMER coordinates : West limb

JOP 171 Solar Network Variability and Dynamics
Duration with CDS : 8h30
Observations betwwen 2 EIT synoptics
POC: P. Gömöry, J. Rybák, N. Brynildsen, A. Kucera
gomory/at/     (Peter Gomory)
choc/at/   (Jan Ribak)

Polar coronal hole SUMER/EIT/CORONAS
 November 17 – 30
POC : L. Dolla <laurent.dolla/at/>
SUMER coordinates : X = TBD

Week 2 : November 24 – 30

SOHO – Ulysses quadrature  (UVCS, ULYSSES, SUMER ,CDS)
November 24-30   0:00-09:00 UT
POC: L. Teriaca  Teriaca <teriaca/at/>
*Note: CDS synoptics between 21:00-24:00 UT

JOP 170 Magnetic field temporal changes (THEMIS, CDS,EIT, TRACE)
November 26-30  9:00-17:00 UT
POC : Jean-Marie Malherbe & Brigitte Schmieder

JOP124 : Eruptive prominence in Active Region CDS/SUMER/EIT/CORONAS
POC : K. Bocchialini <karine.bocchialini/at/>
SUMER coordinates : West limb

Polar coronal hole SUMER/EIT/CORONAS
November 17 – 30
POC : L. Dolla <laurent.dolla/at/>
SUMER coordinates : X = TBD

Planners for Week  47
SUMER : Laurent Dolla and Philippe Lemaire (laurent.dolla/at/, philippe.lemaire/at/
CDS :   Susanna Parenti and Guilaume Pouget (susanna.parenti/at/, guillaume.pouget/at/
UVCS : Ester Antonucci/Giannina Poletto/Larry Gardner
SOL :  Jean-Claude Vial (jean-claude.vial/at/

Planners for Week 48
SUMER : Werner Curdt (curdt/at/
CDS : Susanna Parenti and Guillaume Pouget (susanna.parenti/at/, guillaume.pouget/at/
UVCS : Larry Gardner and Giannina Poletto
SOL : Alan Gabriel (alan.gabriel/at/

Seminars are planned to be held during daily meetings (at 10:00 am)

Week 1
Ester Antonucci: "On the scientific obsectives of SPECTRE/SDO"  (Tuesday 18th of November)

Peter Gomory: "On mutual relations between the outer atmospheric layers in network." (Wednesday 19th of November)
   SOHO/CDS measurements of emission in the network of the  quiet solar atmosphere near disk center will be presented.
   Cross-correlation functions of the line intensities and Doppler shifts of the chromospheric line He I (584.3 A), the transition region line O V (629.7 A) and the    coronal line Mg IX (396.1 A) were calculated in order to study relative variability of different atmospheric layers.
   Difference between the variability of the layers above the 'typical' and 'non-typical' network were derived.

Robert Bentley:"EGSO: European Grid for Solar Observations"  (Thursday 20th of November, ****at 14h30****)

Giulio Del Zanna: "Characteristics of 1 MK quiescent loops in active regions"  (Friday 21st of November, at 15h30)

Week 2

Werner Curdt: "Coronal micro-events and loop oscillations " (Wednesday 26th of November)

Alan Gabriel: "On the scientific objectives of SOLAR ORBITER" (Thursday 27th of Novembe)

Nicole Cornilleau-Wehrlin: "26-30 May, 2003 event: seen from the Sun to the Earth" (Friday 28th of November   NEW DATE)
 and Christian Hanuise

During the last MEDOC campaign, coordinated observations with ground based radars (SuperDARN and EISCAT/ESR) have been undertaken, as well as with Cluster Spacecraft. The Cluster orbit in May 2003 was favourable to conjugated observations, being most of the time in the Earth magnetosheath. One event is of particular interest : consecutively to solar activity between May 26 and 28, Cluster observes a very unusual magnetospheric compression on May 29, exceptionally high wave intensity, not yet understood particles behaviour. Effects of this activity are seen in the ionosphere, down to the thermosphere having impact on low latitude spacecraft orbits. This event opens questions, in particular on the link between the solar activity which doesn't seem to be exceptional, whereas for the magnetospheric point of view it is exceptional.

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