Coronal Loops Workshop, November 13-15, 2002, Orsay

Recent observational and theoretical work has revealed that coronal loops are in many respects more mysterious than ever.  We therefore announce a workshop to address the plasma properties and heating of these fundamentally important structures.  The workshop will be highly focussed and will consider only long-lived loops, defined as loops that appear to change slowly in relation to the radiative and conductive cooling times (which includes the possibility of rapidly evolving, unresolved, sub-structure).  We will concentrate especially on the field-aligned and cross-field thermal properties of loops and the implied spatial and temporal characteristics of coronal heating.  Among the questions we will address are whether loops are isothermal structures or collections of multi-thermal strands, whether the heating is steady or episodic, and whether it is localized, e.g., at the loop top or footpoints.

The workshop will take place November 13-15, 2002 at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale in Orsay, outside of Paris.  The time will be divided approximately equally between presentations and discussion (this is not a CDAW).  Participation is open to everyone, including observers and theorists, but we stress that the subject matter is limited and ask that people attend  only if they can make a pertinent contribution.

Interested individuals should send a 3-5 sentence abstract describing their expected contribution (not to be distributed) to Jim Klimchuk at klimchuk /at/ by September 30.  The scientific organizing committee will ask some people to make formal presentations based on the relevance of the abstracts to the goals of the workshop.  Others will have an opportunity  to present their ideas during the extensive discussions.

Logistical information (hotels, etc.) can be found at the MEDOC website at  A link to the workshop will be available in early September.  There will be no registration fee, and limited travel funds may be available to assist students and young scientists (please make a request with your abstract).  We hope to see you in Paris!

Scientific Organizing Committee :

  • Jim Klimchuk, chair
  • Karine Bocchialini
  • Helen Mason
  • Giovanni Peres
  • Isabelle Scholl

List of participants


Practical information


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