SIAP : Simple Image Access Protocol. SIAP services are archives that return astronomical images within a specified position and radius. Some services return a cutout of the specified size, and some a fixed-sized image from an atlas of images.

HESIOD is the Herschel  IdOc Database wich provide all data for the Herschel SPIRE and PACS guaranted time program on Interstellar Medium (SAG-4) and other public data processed at IDOC. All data have been reprocessed at IDOC using advanded reprocessing pipeline, such as customized pipelines, super resolution (SUPREME), or maximum likelihood mapmakers (SANEPIC).

HESIOD (HErSchel IdOc Database) was the first provider of Herschel SPIRE and PACS data, to be fully accessible from the Virtual Observatory (VO). These maps are available through the HESIOD portal as well as from any VO tool, such as Aladin.

VO services for HESIOD are SPIRE and PACS SImple Image Access services (regular SAI and cutout SIA).

SPIRE PACS SIA : ivo://idoc.ginco/herschel/spirepacs
SPIRE PACS CutOut SIA : ivo://idoc.ginco/herschel/spirepacsCutout