Authors : F. Paletou and L. Léger (Contact: frederic.paletou/at/

  • Purpose:

The NLTE2D code was written in Fortran 90 by L. Léger and F. Paletou (Léger et al., 2007 ; see also Léger & Paletou 2009) for non-LTE radiative transfer for H lines (in CRD) and the Lyman continuum, in a 2D freestanding and illuminated slabs. In this release, the electronic density is computed self-consistently (with adequate modifications of the statistical equilibrium equations resolution), and Lyman continuum transfer is also done. Several iterative methods (MALI, GS/SOR and multi-grid) are used.
This code is the continuation of Toulouse 2D numerical radiative codes.

  • More informations:

Toulouse 2D numerical radiative codes

PhD, L. Léger, 2008, “Transfert de rayonnement hors-ETL multidimensionnel. Application au spectre de l’hélium dans les protubérances solaires (text in French, but many developments worth it for anyone)

Léger et al., 2007

Paletou & Léger, 2007

Heinzel, 1995

Rybicki & Hummer, 1992

Osborne et al, 2021

Laurence H. Auer (1941-2023)

  • Fortran files and documentations:

doi : 10.48326/idoc.medoc.radtransfer.nlte2d

Codes are provided under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 3 or any later version.

NLTE2D code is successfully tested on PCs running linux with gfortran compiler. The source codes are available here : NLTE2D. For running the code, see the README file. For more details on the code, see the user guide.

  • Initiation to MALI: 1D MALI code. The source codes are available here and are provided under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 3 or any later version. doi :10.48326/idoc.medoc.radtransfer.1d-crd-mali-semiinf
  • Input files (test case):
  • input: file including quadrature order, number of 2D geometric grids, definition of the finest 2D y-grid and z-grid, slab temperature, gas pressure, number of energy levels,  possibility to read the input grid (only if you work with a single grid (y/n)), relative error, parameter for using SOR on the loosest grid (y/n), parameter for using MALI only in the case where there is only one geometric grid (y/n), number of MALI iterations before Gauss-Seidel, number of presmooth iterations, number of postsmooth iterations
  • grille2d.input: y-grid and z-grid if lec_grille=’y’
  • several reference data files of intensity for Lalpha, Lbeta, Lgamma, Ldelta, …: probab.dat, probaa.dat, probag.dat, probra.dat, prolya.dat, prolyb.dat
  • Output files (test case):
  • grille2d.res: geometric grids (if lec_grille=’n’)
  • disque.res: disc profiles along y (all lines)
  • opacites.res: line opacities (tauy, tauz)
  • halpha.res: opacity for Halpha line
  • intensite.res: emerging intensities (limb then disk) for Lyman continuum
  • populations.res: population of level 1, 2, 3 of hydrogen, electron and hydrogen densities
  • profils.res: upper and lower level, absorption profile, frequency weight, incident radiation for each transition
  • limbe.res: limb profiles along z (all lines)

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