The following files contain the nominal observation sessions on Mars in 3-axis stabilized mode. The first two are performed at the pericenter of the initial elliptic orbit, and achieve a pixel size of ~5 km. The other sessions are performed from the Phobos (circular) orbit, and achieve a pixel size of ~25 km.

A page is associated to each session, where the main characteristics are described. The various files associated to a session can be accessed from these pages. They include: the original telemetry file, edited data files, calibrated data files, calibrated data with atmosphere removed, coordinate files, and the altimetry data base retrieved from the measurements.

Name Date Spectra Window size Estimated local time Phase angle Solar Meridian Ls Mars-Sun dist (au)
PAVonis 08/2 2365 296 x 8 10:15-12:30 2.8° – 4.2° 100° 350.5° 1.547
BIBlis 11/2 2189 274 x 8 13:00-14:50 2.7° – 4.1° 100° 352.0° 1.551
ARAbia 21/2 2432 98 x 25 8:50-12:40 0.5° – 5.2° 335° 2.0° 1.563
DAEdalia 27/2 3013 121 x 25 11:30-15:45 5.5°-10.1° 165° 4.5° 1.570
SYRtis-Isidis 01/3 3005 121 x 25 8:50-13:20 1.7° – 6.3 270° 5.9° 1.572
Valles Marineris 07/3 3008 121 x 25 10:10-14:10 0.9° – 5.5° 100° 8.3° 1.580
AURorae 12/3 3007 121 x 25 11:30-15:10 0.9° – 5.5° 70° 11.2° 1.585
OLYmpus 13/3 2275 91 x 25 12:10-15:10 14.5° – 19° 165° 11.7° 1.586
GORdii 14/3 3000 120 x 25 11:30-16:10 4.0° – 8.6° 160° 12.2° 1.588
ASCraeus 21/3 2999 120 x 25 10:20-14:50 13.3°-19.7° 115° 15.6° 1.596
HEBes 26/3 2983 120 x 25 9:45-13:40 6.2°-10.9° 110° 18.0° 1.601

Fig 1 : Les neuf sessions ISM à moyenne résolution de Mars, en projection sur la carte d’albédo Viking / The nine medium-resolution sessions acquired on Mars, projected on the Viking Digital Image Model

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