The following files contain a signal, although calibrated versions are not available in the archive. They consist in cruise tests, in observations at the limb of Mars or on Phobos during "dark sky" calibration sequences, and in an observing session in nominal mode when the spacecraft was not stabilized.

Spinning session

Labels are combined in file LIM_EDT.LBL.

File name Origin Observing mode Gain Integration time Viewing direction Focal plane temperature Window size
Main session in Mars2202.dat
02:28:03,625 to 02:55:07,375
Mars mode 0 2 0,5 s Starting mirror position = 228 ; step = 1 72,3°C 121 x 25
3025 spectra acquired on Mars and on the sky, with two limb crossings (at 2:35 and 2:48). The observed area is unknown (spacecraft’s spinning axis and rotation speed are unknown), but the instrument would have observed the Elysium area if stabilized. This session could be calibrated, with no correction for misregistration effect, and applying the second level temperature correction similar to that in Arabia.

Cruise tests

Labels are combined in file CRU_EDT.LBL.

File name Origin Observing mode Gain Integration time Viewing direction Focal plane temperature Window size
From Jantest.dat
16:53:31,0 to 16:53:32,0
Mars flyby mode 0
7 samples/line.
1 0,125 s Starting mirror position = 254 ; step = 1 -72°C 9 x 1
9 spectra acquired during a technical cruise test. Acquisition begins earlier but previous spectra contain no information ; the first two spectra of this set are null also. Spectra are written in sequence, as if there was one line of 9 samples. The signal measured is probably the Sun’s reflection on the spacecraft tank.
From Jantest.dat
16:53:36,0 to 17:00:07,5.
Mars global mode 3
50 samples/line.
1 1 s Starting mirror position = 156 ; step = 4 -72°C 7 x 49
343 spectra in mode, the last ones are zeros. The signal measured is probably the Sun’s reflection on a tank. This session is performed as part of a technical cruise test.

Limb observations

Labels are combined in file LIM_EDT.LBL.

File name Origin Observing mode Gain Integration time Viewing direction Focal plane temperature Window size
From Mars1102.dat
16:41:12,750 to 16:41:42,125
(Before-science session)
Mars mode 0
9 samples/line.
1, then 2 0,125 s Starting mirror position = 233 ; step = 1 -70,4°C 21 x 8
168 spectra close to the limb of Mars (maybe on the disk?) during an elliptical orbit, near pericenter. The mirror is moving southward. Beware of gain change: gain=2 from 16:41:41,375 (last 8 spectra).
From Mars2202.dat
02:09:3,25 to 02:09:12,25.
First dark sky
1 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -72,3°C 10 x 1
10 spectra at the limb of Mars. The spacecraft is spinning, data are acquired at high temperature (a correction similar to that in Arabia should be applied).
From Mars2702.dat
2:29:02,375 to 2:29:11,375
First dark sky
2. 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -75,8°C 10 x 1
10 spectra at the limb of Mars.
From Mars2702.dat
2:30:26,5 to 2:30:35,5
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -75,8°C 10 x 1
10 spectra at the limb of Mars (sequel of the previous file).
From Mars0103.dat
10:32:48,25 to 10:32:57,25
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -76,5°C 10 x 1
10 spectra at the limb of Mars.
From Mars0103.dat
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -76,5°C 1 x 1
Only 1 spectrum, the others were not transmitted (sequel of the previous file).
From Mars1303.dat
12:17:37,5 to 12:17:46,0
(Before-science session)
Mars mode 0
26 samples/line.
2 0,5 s Starting mirror position = 156 ; step = 1 -77,2°C 18 x 1
18 spectra at the limb of Mars, acquired while the mirror is moving southward.
From Mars1403.dat
12:22:24,875 to 12:22:35,875
(Before-science session)
Mars mode 0
26 samples/line.
2 0,5 s Starting mirror position = 210 ; step = 1 -77,4°C 23 x 1
23 spectra at the limb of Mars, acquired while the mirror is moving southward.
From Mars2103.dat
13:02:37,375 to 13:02:49,375
(Before-science session)
Mars mode 0
26 samples/line.
3 0,5 s Starting mirror position = 162 ; step = 1 -77,0°C 24 x 1
24 spectra at the limb of Mars acquired while the mirror is moving southward.

Phobos extra observations

Labels are combined in file PHM_EDT.LBL.

File name Origin Observing mode Gain Integration time Viewing direction Focal plane temperature Window size
From Phob2702.dat
19:47:19,25 to 19:47:28,25
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -77,4°C 10 x 1
10 spectra on Phobos. Signal increases with time: entry limb, or stray light?
From Phob2702.dat
19:48:43,375 to 19:48:52,375
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -77,4°C 10 x 1
10 spectra on Phobos. This is the sequel of the previous file; signal magnitude is stable.
From Phob2503.dat
15:47:54,625 to 15:48:03,625
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -77,4°C 10 x 1
10 spectra on Phobos. This session and the following are in the continuity of the Phobos track. The signal is probably contaminated by Mars reflected light.
From Phob2503.dat
15:49:18,75 to 15:49:27,75
First dark sky
2 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -77,4°C 10 x 1
10 spectra on Phobos. This session and the previous one are in the continuity of the Phobos track. The signal is probably contaminated by Mars reflected light.
From Phob2503.dat
16:00:02,125 to 16:00:11,125
First dark sky
1 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -77,4°C 10 x 1
10 spectra on Phobos. This session and the following are in the continuity of the Phobos track, but the gain is different. The signal is probably contaminated by Mars reflected light.
From Phob2503.dat
16:01:26,125 to 16:01:35,125
Second dark sky
1 1 s Constant mirror position = 0 -77,4°C 10 x 1
10 spectra on Phobos. This session and the previous one are in the continuity of the Phobos track, but the gain is different. The signal is probably contaminated by Mars reflected light.


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