The DS2 centre is built around the links between the physics of stars and the physics of exo-planetary systems. This new global approach has taken shape in particular with the CoRoT mission (with very strong CNES involvement), and will be significantly strengthened with the PLATO mission (ESA).

The D2S data centre relies on the mission archive of the CoRoT experiment, already completed by part of the data of the MOST experiment (experiment launched by the Canadian Space Agency – CSA). But this centre is not only based on the data (mainly light curves) intended for analysis but also on the products resulting from the analysis: catalogues of red giants with their seismic characteristics, catalogues of exoplanets with the characteristics of their host star, etc.

IDOC/D2S hosts the CoRoT mission archive since the availability of the first data one year after the launch of the instrument in December 2006. These data are divided into two categories, the “seismic channel” and the “exo-planet channel”, both of which consist of luminosity time series. These data are publicly available.

The PLATO mission, which follows on from NASA’s Kepler and TESS missions, has a launch date of 2026 and will complement the contents of D2S.