On SOHO, MEDOC is responsible for GOLF operations, and has participated to SUMER operations. During the first 10 years of SOHO, many “MEDOC campaigns” have also been organized for the coordinated planning with other SOHO instruments and with ground observatories.

MEDOC is also responsible for Solar Orbiter/SPICE operations, in particular for the planning of the science observations.


Contact: medoc-contact /at/ ias.u-psud.fr

IDOC-OPE Operation Tasks on an in-flight instrument :

  • Organize instrument observations taking into account the scientific targets and the life of the instrument on board its vehicle
    • Resources consumed
    • Electrical power consumed
    • Heat dissipated
    • Vibrations emitted
    • Electromagnetic disturbances generated
    • On-board memory occupied
    • Interactions with the vehicle and other instruments
    • Possible operating ranges
    • Telemetry occupancy, rates, slots
    • Relationship with the ground
    • Antenna slot schedules
    • Additional slots (on planned or unplanned event)
      • Use of an instrument and probe simulator
      • Use of a mission planning tool
  • Organize instruments observations taking into account a multiple scientific team
      • Use of a mission planning tool
  • Produce and verify according telecommands
  • Control (and update) job schedule
  • Respond to events reported by monitoring systems
  • Investigate, qualify, fix (or escalate) problems
  • Propose changes (or « repair routine ») for reoccurring problems
  • Update infrastructure (if required – security, major weakness…)
  • Inform


IDOC has 3 differents rooms for operations

Instruments previously operated :

  • SOHO (Sumer and Golf instruments)

Current or future instruments operated :

  • Mars-express (Omega instrument)
  • Solar Orbiter (SPICE instrument)
  • Juice (MAJIS instrument)
OMEGA In Flight Operations 1
OMEGA In Flight Operations 1
Omega pipelines