IDOC business card

IDOC depends on an institute of the National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS) that organises the whole French research, the first research organization in the world with more than 30 000 employees.

IDOC depends on the Université Paris-Saclay, 16th in the Shanghai ranking

IDOC-DATA is labelled as a CNRS ” regional center of expertise” by CNRS  since 2013 (

IDOC-DATA is labelled as a CNRS platform since 2018. (

IDOC-DATA is recognized as a long-term archive by CNES, the french space agency since 2016.(

IDOC-DATA is part of an OSU, a perennial structure in charge precisely of observation services (see the official assignments here:…).

Open Science and IDOC

IDOC’s two supervisory authorities depend on the Ministry of Research, which has made commitments in terms of open science:

The CNRS also in particular with its Roadmap for Open Science and its Plan for Research Data 2020:
The INSU certified data centers provide data, tools or services in order to bring together or crossreference information from different production sources. The INSU CERs ensure the development and operational maintenance of National Observation Services (SNO) in astronomy and astrophysics.

The commitments of the University of Paris-Saclay to open science are described here:

IDOC overall objective

The overall objective of IDOC is to support the generation of instruments and then to enable them to produce scientific data. IDOC must then provide an environment that facilitates the appraisal of these data, their curation, wide reuse, mid & long-term preservation. This environment must be completely appropriate for the uses of the different communities

To fully carry out its tasks IDOC is organised into three main departments :

•    IDOC-INSTR: To accompany the genesis of the instruments from their conception, during their manufacture and calibration, until their delivery .
•    IDOC-OPE: To operate instruments and ensure their technical follow-up as well as the adequate execution of their scientific mission.
•   IDOC-DATA: To produce the different levels of data constructed from observations of these instruments and make them available to users for ergonomic and efficient scientific interpretation.

IDOC organization

Idoc is organised as follows:

following the steering commitee guidance, its missions must be covered while respecting the principles that allow the data to comply with the FAIR principles. IDOC must therefore behave as a TRUST data repository by being attentive to the CARE aspects linked to the user communities (see glossary), even if the origin of the data makes this last point less sensitive than in other research fields.

Scientific Themes

The themes currently covered by IDOC are as follows:

  •     interstellar medium physics,
  •     cosmology,
  •     stellar physics,
  •     planetary surfaces,
  •     thematics of GEOPS,
  •     thematics of AIM