IDOC-OPE Operation Tasks on an in-flight instrument :
Organize instrument observations taking into account the scientific targets and the life of the instrument on board its vehicle
- Resources consumed
- Electrical power consumed
- Heat dissipated
- Vibrations emitted
- Electromagnetic disturbances generated
- On-board memory occupied
- Interactions with the vehicle and other instruments
- Possible operating ranges
- Telemetry occupancy, rates, slots
- Relationship with the ground
- Antenna slot schedules
Additional slots (on planned or unplanned event)
- Use of an instrument and probe simulator
- Use of a mission planning tool
Organize instruments observations taking into account a multiple scientific team
- Use of a mission planning tool
- Produce and verify according telecommands
- Control (and update) job schedule
- Respond to events reported by monitoring systems
- Investigate, qualify, fix (or escalate) problems
- Propose changes (or « repair routine ») for reoccurring problems
- Update infrastructure (if required – security, major weakness…)
- Inform
Instruments previously operated :
- SOHO (Sumer and Golf instruments)
Current or future instruments operated :
- Mars-express (Omega instrument)
- Solar Orbiter (SPICE instrument)
- Juice (MAJIS instrument)