MEDOC 9 : May 20 – June 2
         MEDOC POC: Karine Bocchialini
                  bocchialini /at/

                                          WEEK 1

M May 20 (W21)    JOP104 Doppler Shifts in X-Ray Jets,
                                  SUMER/CDS/TRACE/UVCS (#6857)
                                 POC: Davina Innes
T May 21         Ulysses-SOHO quadrature observations  (UVCS) POC: S. Suess
W May 22        Ulysses-SOHO quadrature observations  (UVCS) POC: S. Suess
T May 23         Ulysses-SOHO quadrature observations  (UVCS) POC: S. Suess
                         JOP157 Bright Points in AR  (RHESSI included + Pic du Midi + Ondrejov obs.),
                         POC: Brigitte Schmieder
                         JOP131  Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and filaments with SOHO and THEMIS
                         (Pic du Midi + Ondrejov)
                          POC: Brigitte Schmieder
F May 24         Ulysses-SOHO quadrature observations  (UVCS) POC: S. Suess
                         JOP157  Bright Points in AR   (RHESSI included + Pic du Midi + Ondrejov obs.),
                         POC: Brigitte Schmieder
                         JOP131  Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and filaments with SOHO and THEMIS
                         (Pic du Midi + Ondrejov)
                          POC: Brigitte Schmieder
S May 25         Ulysses-SOHO quadrature observations  (UVCS) POC: S. Suess
                         JOP157   Bright Points in AR (RHESSI included + Pic du Midi + Ondrejov obs.),
                         POC: Brigitte Schmieder
                         JOP131  Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and filaments with SOHO and THEMIS
                         (Pic du Midi + Ondrejov)
                          POC: Brigitte Schmieder
S May 26         Ulysses-SOHO quadrature observations  (UVCS) POC: S. Suess
                         JOP157  Bright Points in AR (RHESSI included + Pic du Midi + Ondrejov obs.),
                         POC: Brigitte Schmieder

Other activities for Week 21:
JOP136  Default RHESSI Collaboration (#6850),
              POC: Stein Haugan
JOP131  Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and filaments with SOHO and THEMIS
             (Pic du Midi + Ondrejov)
              POC: Brigitte Schmieder
New JOP TBD : Energy input in the chromosphere and TR due to particle impacts
               POC: Nicole Vilmer (RHESSI)
Microscale heating (CDS in RHESSI f.o.v) POC: Eric Buchlin & Karine Bocchialini
Scattered Lyman-alpha and Lyman-beta (SUMER)  POC: Philippe Lemaire
Prominence atlas (CDS/SUMER) POC : Jean-Claude Vial & Susanna Parenti
Prominence condensation (CDS) POC: Guillaume Aulanier
Line width measurements of coronal ions (SUMER) POC: Laurent Dolla

Submodes: Submode 5
Position of the SUMER slit : around X=+1000"

Planners for Week 21:
CDS     —  Frederic Baudin
SUMER   — Laurent Dolla  (+ Philippe Lemaire TBC)


                                        WEEK 2

M May 27 (W22)  Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                                JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel
                               JOP157  Bright Points in AR (RHESSI included + Pic du Midi + Ondrejov obs.),
                               POC: Brigitte Schmieder
T May 28    Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                    JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel
                    JOP157 Bright Points in AR (RHESSI included + Pic du Midi + Ondrejov obs.),
                    POC: Brigitte Schmieder
W May 29  Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                   JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel
T May 30    Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                    JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel
F May 31   Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                   JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel
S Jun 01      Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                   JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel
S Jun 02      Doppler Dimming in polar coronal hole (UVCS/CDS/SUMER)
                   JOP130 POC: Ester Antonucci & Alan Gabriel

                 Other activities for Week 22:
JOP136 Default HESSI Collaboration (#6850)
             POC: Stein Haugan
JOP131  Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and filaments with SOHO and THEMIS
             (Pic du Midi + Ondrejov)
              POC: Brigitte Schmieder
New JOP TBD : Energy input in the chromosphere and TR due to particle impacts
             (CDS/RHESSI + SUMER ?)
              POC: Nicole Vilmer (RHESSI)
Microscale heating (CDS in RHESSI f.o.v) POC: Eric Buchlin & Karine Bocchialini
Prominence condensation (CDS) POC: Guillaume Aulanier
Scattered Lyman-alpha and Lyman-beta (SUMER) POC: Philippe Lemaire
Prominence atlas (CDS/SUMER) POC : Jean-Claude Vial & Susanna Parenti
O VI distribution in out-of-limb Coronal Hole (SUMER) POC: N-E Raouafi & Philippe Lemaire
Line width measurements of coronal ions (SUMER) POC: Laurent Dolla

Submodes: Submode 5
Position of the SUMER slit : around X=0"

Planners for Week 22:
CDS     —  Karine Bocchialini
SUMER   — Eric Buchlin (+Jean-Claude Vial TBC)


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