People involve in this operation are:
– one CDS planner located at the EOF,
– one CDS planner located at MEDOC.

1) On the CDS IWS located at medoc, all mirrors are stopped 1 day before the beginning of the campaign (the weekly-meeting Day).
This concerns all the CDS S/W tree including catalogs, studies, …

2) Data (new FITS files) and catlogs (included in the CDS S/W tree) are mirrored twice per hour using our dedicated line to the EOF.

3) The export directory is dedicated to send files (plannings, studies, …) to the CDS planner at the EOF
the import directory is dedicated to recieve automatically new files exported by the CDS planner at the EOF.

– The local planner at MEDOC exports new planning files in his export directory (the default one) and sends a message to the CDS planner at EOF in order to inform him that the planning is ready.

– The CDS planner at EOF later picks up these files using ssh/scp on the CDS IWS at MEDOC.

– The CDS planner takes this file in account in his system and could make some modifications. In this last case, he'd export the new planning in his export directory (the default one) to be able to be imported at MEDOC.

– Each morning (at 6:00 UT) at MEDOC, an automatic process is started: the export directory on the CDS IWS at EOF is mirrored into the CDS IWS at MEDOC in its import directory (this is true not only for plan files but for all new files found in the export directory).
– Then the planner at MEDOC is able to import the new plan (and maybe other files like studies, …).

This mechanism supposes that no file are manually put on the import directory of the CDS IWS at MEDOC (the mirror would remove them).