PROMCOR: computation of profiles and intensities of hydrogen lines for a radial-dependent corona (PRD)
Authors: J-C. Vial and M. Chane-Yook (Contacts: eric.buchlin/at/, jean-claude.vial/at/, Martine.Chane-Yook/at/
- Purpose:
PROMCOR is inherited from PROM5 but treats models where the thermodynamic parameters only depend on the distance to the Sun. It is valid only for (coronal) media optically thin in all lines and continua.
- More informations:
Vial and Chane-Yook, “Neutral Hydrogen and its Emission Lines in the Solar Corona”, Solar Physics, December 2016, Volume 291, issue 12, p 3549-3566
- Fortran files and documentations:
doi : 10.48326/idoc.medoc.radtransfer.promcor
PROMCOR is provided under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 3 or any later version.
The source codes are available here (the option insuring that reals are in double precision is already included for gfortran compiler). See the README file. For more details on PROMCOR, see the user guide.
- Input files (test case of coronal hole model from Allen (1977)):
- intinc.dat: we use the same file as PROM5 to define the half-profiles of the 10 chromospheric illuminating lines.
- model.dat: the first line contains the number of integration points NZ and the altitude of the line-of-sight (LOS) in km. Note that this altitude corresponds to 1.05Rs, for the coronal hole model from Allen (1977). It is followed by NZ lines containing each: temperature (K), pressure (dyn/cm2), distance along the LOS (km) and microturbulent velocity (km/s). This file model.dat describes one half of the model only, both sides from the “impact” being symetrical along the LOS. Streamer, Quiet Sun and Coronal hole models can be found here for many LOS. Electron density formula used to produce the model.dat file comes from Allen (“Pole min” for Coronal hole model and “Eq min” for Quiet Sun model) and from Goryaev (formula 16 page 10 for Streamer model).
- Ouput files (test cases of coronal hole, streamer and quiet Sun):
- profil.pdf : a set of 10 Hydrogen line half-profiles given at 1.05 Rs where continuum absorption is omitted (IOPCAC=0 in the code) for coronal hole model from Allen (1977).
- profil.pdf : a set of 10 Hydrogen line half-profiles given at 1.05 Rs where continuum absorption is included (IOPCAC=3 in the code) for coronal hole model from Allen (1977).
- profil.pdf : a set of 10 Hydrogen line half-profiles given at 1.05 Rs where continuum absorption is omitted (IOPCAC=0 in the code) for streamer model from Goryaev et al. (2014).
- profil.pdf : a set of 10 Hydrogen line half-profiles given at 1.05 Rs where continuum absorption is included (IOPCAC=3 in the code) for streamer model from Goryaev et al. (2014).
- profil.pdf : a set of 10 Hydrogen line half-profiles given at 1.05 Rs where continuum absorption is omitted (IOPCAC=0 in the code) for quiet Sun model from Allen (1977).
- profil.pdf : a set of 10 Hydrogen line half-profiles given at 1.05 Rs where continuum absorption is included (IOPCAC=3 in the code) for quiet Sun model from Allen (1977).
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