IDOC (Integrated Data & Operation Center) has existed since 2003 as a satellite operations center and data center for the Institute of Space Astrophysics (IAS) in Orsay, France. Since then, it has operated within the OSUPS (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de l'Université Paris Saclay), which includes three institutes: IAS and GEOPS and AIM.

IDOC participates in the space missions of OSUPS and its partners, from mission design to long-term scientific data archiving. For each phase of the missions, IDOC offers services in the scientific themes of OSUPS.

IDOC is responsible for specific activities as a research data repository operator:

    – To produce the different levels of data constructed from observations of these instruments and make them available to users for ergonomic and efficient scientific interpretation
    – To build access to these data sets
    – To offer the corresponding services such as: catalogue management, visualization tools, software pipeline automation, etc.
    – To preserve the availability and reliability of this hardware and software infrastructure, its confidentiality where applicable and its security.

IDOC currently host more than 63 different datasets accessible via more than 13 access interfaces. Many of these original data sets are the result of the work of the data centre members and new data sets are joining our collection or new services are added regularly.