TAP : Table Access Protocol. TAP services provide query-driven access to astronomical tables and databases. For example, whereas a simple cone-search allows you to search only by sky position, and returns a fixed set of columns, a TAP service allows to make searches along the lines of “give me all the records with B-V>2.0 and give me just columns B, D, F, and G”. Queries need to be formulated in the standard ADQL, but often the tool you are using will construct this for you.

For PSUP data and MEDOC data, we are using DACHs  as TAP service provider.

Services can be accessed on VESPA.

Service TAP OMEGA mineral maps : ivo://idoc/psup/omega_maps/q/epn_core
Service TAP OMEGA cubes C-Channel : ivo://idoc/psup/omega_cubes/q/epn_core
Service TAP GAIA-DEM : ivo://idoc/medoc/gaia_dem/q/epn_core