November 11, 2019

The Coherent Structure Tracking code from Thierry Roudier (IRAP) has been made available on the MEDOC website. This code (V1.0) allows the measurement of surface velocities by tracking granules in the SDO/HMI data. A workshop about the use of this code will be organized on 3-4 March 2020.

April 3, 2019

PRODOP, a new version of the PROM5/PROM7 radiative transfer codes, including the modelling of He and Mg  and a radial velocity, has been released (with documentation and test cases input files) on the MEDOC page about Radiative transfer codes.

March 14, 2019

The next MEDOC Users’ Committee meeting will be held on April the 18th, 2019. To help us prepare this meeting, please send your comments and suggestions about MEDOC services to medoc-contact /at/

March 1, 2019

 2D numerical radiative transfer codes (MALI and Gauss-Seidel), developed at IRAP (Toulouse), have been published (with documentation and test cases input files) on the MEDOC page about Radiative transfer codes.

September 28, 2018

 MEDOC derived data products have been presented at the Solar Orbiter MADAWG meeting in Athens.

April 7, 2018

 SDO/AIA movies made from MEDOC data have been presented at the Art and Science of Plasma campus (Labex Plas@Par) in Centre Pompidou, Paris.

March 3, 2018

 The next MEDOC Users’ Committee meeting will be held on April the 25th, 2018. To help us prepare this meeting, please send your comments and suggestions about MEDOC services to medoc-contact /at/

November 27, 2017

MEDOC services have been presented at the European Space Weather Week in Oostende, Belgium

May 18, 2017

The new interface for solar data and derived data products is open for testing. Please note that the address of this interface is temporary, it will be moved to a different address once all tests are completed. Please report any issues to medoc-contact /at/

May 16, 2017

MEDOC services have been presented at the SDO meeting in Burlington, Vermont (October 2016), at the 7th Solar Orbiter Workshop in Granada, Spain (April 2017), and at the first China-Europe Solar Physics Meeting in Kunming, China (May 2017)

April 3, 2017

The next MEDOC Users’ Committee meeting will be held on April the 19th, 2017. To help us prepare this meeting, please send your comments and suggestions about MEDOC services to medoc-contact /at/

June 23, 2016

MEDOC products and tools for space weather have been presented at the SF2A meeting in Lyon, France, on 15 June 2016

April 5, 2016

The next MEDOC Users’ Committee meeting will be held on April the 26th, 2016. To help us prepare this meeting, please send your comments and suggestions about MEDOC services to medoc-contact /at/

March 14-16, 2016

MEDOC, the radiative transfer codes and SOHO (20th anniversary) have been presented at the meeting of the French Sun-Earth community PNST in Hendaye.

September 29, 2015

New page for Radiative transfer codes

June 1, 2015

Opening of the PICARD data archive

November 2014

Eric Buchlin is the new Scientific Director of MEDOC

November 2013

New MEDOC website

May 2013

Frédéric Baudin is the Scientific Director of MEDOC

February 6-9, 2012

3rd HELIO Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop at IAS-MEDOC, Orsay

November 8-10, 2010

HELIO Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop at IAS-MEDOC, Orsay

November 13-15, 2007

HINODE Data Analysis Workshop at IAS-MEDOC, Orsay

April 23-30, 2007

MEDOC campaign 17

January 2007

SECCHI/STEREO data available in MEDOC archives

November 2006

FESTIVAL: a visualization tool for SECCHI/STEREO is available

October 25 2006

Launch of STEREO

April 19, 2006

SOHO’s 10 years celebration at Orsay

March 23 – April 2, 2006

Short SUMER campaign 16 (solar eclipse on March 29)

May 16-29 (extension until June 5), 2005

MEDOC campaign 15

Philippe Lemaire’s celebration

November 8-21, 2004

MEDOC campaign 14

June 3-17, 2004

MEDOC campaign 13

June 8, 2004

Venus transit

November 17-30, 2003

MEDOC campaign 12

October 28-30, 2003

TOSTISP Workshop at IAS, Orsay, with the financial support of PNST

Pictures of the workshop

May 2003

MEDOC campaign 11 (May 19 – June1, 2003)

Mercure transit (May 7, 2003)

November 13-15, 2002

Workshop Active region loops at IAS, Orsay

October 21-November 3, 2002

MEDOC campaign 10

May 20-June2, 2002

MEDOC campaign 9

October 12-28, 2001

MEDOC campaign 8

July 2001

Workshop: “The Quiet Sun: Transient Events and coronal Heating” (3rd-5th December 2001)

New Archive Software Version: Active Regions Catalog

June 2001

Eclipse 2001 from Angola

Eclipse’s movies: partial and total phases

May 14-27, 2001

MEDOC campaign 7

April 2001

SoHO is 5 years old

October 2000

SOHO archive is available at MEDOC/IAS

MEDOC campaign 6  (October 30- November 12, 2000), the Gallery

MEDOC Prominence Workshop at Orsay (October 23-26, 2000)

September 2000

Karine Bocchialini is the Scientific Director of MEDOC

April – May 2000

MEDOC Science : Radiative transfer Code

MEDOC campaign 5 (April 28 – May 19, 2000)

October 4-17, 1999

MEDOC campaign 4

Photos by Laura Roberts

May 10-30, 1999

MEDOC campaign 3


Jean-Claude Vial is the Scientific Director of MEDOC

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