November 13 – 15, 2007

IAS – ORSAY, France

Meeting Objectives

The objectives of this HINODE workshop are to provide an introduction to EIS, XRT and SOT observations. These 3 instruments have taken remarkable data since the launch in September 2006: IAS offers the opportunity to a wide European community to discover these data and to learn how to derive scientific results.
The meeting will be held from November 13 to 15, at IAS (Orsay, France).

Participant Numbers

Please note that due to space constraints, there will be a limited number of visitors that we can accommodate (around 20). Therefore, we will attempt to allocate places on a “first come, first served” basis. However, we would also like to maintain the most even spread of institutes possible: if numbers are too large, we will try to allocate places fairly. This is intended so that each interested institute can be kept in touch with the current state and understanding of HINODE mission.

Registration is now closed

The maximum number of participants has been reached.

Coffee/Tea breaks and Lunch

Coffee and Tea will be offered by IAS each morning during the break.
It is possible to have lunch at the cafeteria (less than 10 euros) or downtown.


Although it is not mandatory, we would encourage participants to join in the analysis demonstration with their own laptop computer, and the sample data will be provided for you to analyse during the demo. For your part, please ensure that your computer has an up-to-date installation of IDL version 6.0 (or higher*) and SolarSoft, including the EIS, XRT and SOT branch of the SSW tree. Any additional routines needed to reproduce what is done during the demo will be provided on the day.

(*Note that some of the necessary EIS IDL software is object-oriented, which is only supported in IDL 6.x)

Scientific Organizing Committee

Leon Golub, Louise Harra, Kelly Korreck, Peter Young, Mark Weber, Tom Berger, Karine Bocchialini

Local Organizing Committee

Karine Bocchialini, Stephane Caminade, Catherine Cougrand, Alan Gabriel, Jean-Claude Vial

For further information on how to get to IAS, for accomodation and maps, please see our logistic page
For further queries, please contact Karine Bocchialini or Catherine Cougrand (Secretary)


Preliminary Agenda


EIS.html   XRT_presentation.html   XRT_tutorial.html   Presentations


Hotels, restaurants and workshop location

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