The MEDOC workshop dedicated to prominences was held between 23 and 26 October in Orsay. It gathered about 37 participants (list below).


Summaries of the Working Groups Reports:WG1, WG2, WG3-4, WG5

List of participants


Monday 2:00 pm Plenary Session (*)
Tuesday 9:00 – 12:30 Working Group Sessions
  12:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch
  2:00 pm – 18:00 pm Working Group Sessions
  18:00 pm Reception at IAS
Wednesday 9:00 – 12:30 Plenary Session
  12:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch
  2:00 pm – 18:00 pm Working Group Sessions
Thursday 9:00 – 12:30 Plenary Session

(*) Monday Detailed schedule (allocated times are indicative)

  • 2:00: Welcome Address – JC Vial + IAS Director
  • 2:10: Practical Information – I Scholl
  • 2:15: "Optically thin and thick lines diagnostics " D.Spadaro/P.Heinzel
  • 2:45: "Mass flows" O.Engvold
  • 3h10: "The structure of Prominences '' S. Antiochos
  • 3h35: "MHD modeling of prominences eruption'' T. Amari
  • 4.00: "Observational aspects relevant to eruptive prominences'' G. Aulanier
  • 4:25: Break
  • 4:45: "Data processing" T.Kucera
  • 5:00: Discussion + WG setup
  • 5:30: Adjourn

Working groups

WG1 Optically thin and thick lines diagnostics D. Spadaro / P. Heinzel
WG2 Mass flows O. Engvold
WG3 Prominence structure S. Antiochos
WG4 Eruptive prominences (theoretical and observational results) G. Aulanier / T. Amari
WG5 Data processing T. Kucera

Organizing Committee

  • Tahar Amari
  • Karine Bocchialini
  • Veronique Bommier
  • Franca Chiuderi-Drago
  • Oddbjorn Engvold
  • Petr Heinzel
  • Terry Kucera
  • Brigitte Schmieder
  • Jean-Claude Vial


Expected Participants

Tahar Amari, Vincenzo Andretta, Spiro Antiochos, Guillaume Aulanier, Jose Luis Ballester, Karine Bocchialini, Veronique Bommier, Franca Chiuderi-Drago, Daniela Cirigliano, Andrea Costa, Pascal Demoulin, Vlado Dermendjiev, Oddbjorn Engvold, Klaus Galsgaard, Pierre Gouttebroze, Petr Heinzel, Ina Koleva, Serge Koutchmy, Terry Kucera, Nicolas Labrosse, Jean-Louis Leroy, Duncan Mackay, Maria Madjarska, Christophe Marque, Pierre Mein, Frederic Paletou, Art Poland, Stephane Regnier, Marta Rovira, Sylvie Sahal-Brechot, Brigitte Schmieder, Daniele Spadaro, Jacques Solomon, Alan Title, JC Vial



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