PROM4: computation of the hydrogen spectrum for a 1D model of prominence (PRD)

Author : P. Gouttebroze (Contacts: nicolas.labrosse/at/ & Martine.Chane-Yook/at/

  • Purpose:

PROM4 is designed to compute simple models of solar prominences. The models consist of plane-parallel slabs standing vertically above the solar surface. Each model is defined by 5 parameters: temperature, density, geometrical thickness, microturbulent velocity and height above the solar surface. It solves the equations of radiative transfer, statistical equilibrium, ionization and pressure equilibria, and computes electron and hydrogen level populations and hydrogen line profiles. PROM4 uses PRD (Partial Radiative Distribution).

For an update version of the code, see PROM7 and its documentation.

  • More informations:

Gouttebroze, Heinzel and Vial (1993) A&A sup. 99, 513 for the principle of modelling    /   Gouttebroze and Labrosse, 2000, Solar Physics 196, 349

  • Fortran files and documentations:

doi : 10.48326/idoc.medoc.radtransfer.prom4

PROM4 is provided under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 3 or any later version.

The code was written in Fortran 77, adapted to Fortran 90 by M. C-Y. It must be compiled with an option which insures real numbers to be in double precision. PROM4 was successfully tested on PCs running linux with gfortran compiler. The source codes are available here : PROM4. The option insuring that reals are in double precision is already included for gfortran compiler. For running the code, see the README file.

  • Input files (test case):

intinc.dat: principal data file for incident intensities

model.dat: an example file to be read by “prom4.f90”

  • Other input files :

intinct.dat.lines: alternative file for “intinct.dat”, with weaker intensities

intinc.dat.calc: alternative file for “intinct.dat”, with theoretical incident intensities

  • Output files (test case):

resume.dat: a summary of physical and spectroscopic parameters (one half page per model)

profil.dat:  a set of line profiles (plus the Lyman continuum), given as numbers

profil.pdf: the same set of profiles as “profil.dat”, as a PDF file (2 pages per model)

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