C2D2E : 2D radiative transfer code in cylindrical threads for hydrogen and helium with incident radiation (CRD)

Author : P. Gouttebroze (Contacts: nicolas.labrosse/at/glasgow.ac.uk & Martine.Chane-Yook/at/ias.u-psud.fr)

  • Purpose:

 C2D2E is designed to compute models of chromospheric and coronal loop-like structures (visible in hydrogen and helium lines). The equations of NLTE radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium of atomic level populations are solved alternatively for hydrogen and helium, using cylindrical coordinates and prescribed solar incident radiation. Electron density is determined by the ionization equilibra of both atoms. Two-dimensional effects are included.

  • More informations:

Gouttebroze and Labrosse, 2009, A&A 503

  • Fortran files and documentations:

doi : 10.48326/idoc.medoc.radtransfer.c2d2e

C2D2E is provided under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 3 or any later version.

Please contact us if you would like to use this code: eric.buchlin/at/ias.u-psud.fr

For more details on C2D2E, see the user guide (English, French).

  • Input files (test case):
  • 3 files including the light intensities at the solar surface, are used taking into account the dilution factor, to determine the incident intensities at the slab surface : intinc.dat for hydrogen lines, intinc_He.dat for helium lines
  • 3 files for general information : helium.com, hydrog.com, param.com
  • paramod.dat: file including cylinder parameters (diameter, inclination angle, etc.)

  • Output files (test case):
  • resu2d.dat: emergent intensities for plotting line profiles
  • fort.20: electron density
  • fort.23: hydrogen level populations
  • fort.25: helium level populations
  • cosbou.pdf: line profiles as a PDF file

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